Five colorful koi carps swimming in a clear pond with a very dark bottom, seen from above. Photo by Masaaki Komori on Unsplash.

Common Fish Diseases in Backyard Ponds

In backyard ponds (and well, in any water body we manage!), maintaining the health of fish is crucial for a thriving aquatic ecosystem. Our ponds can be home to a variety of fish species that can be, however,  susceptible to some common diseases. This article provides an overview of the common fish diseases that can affect backyard ponds and emphasizes the significance of early detection and proper treatment.

I’ve categorized the diseases into:

Within the categories you’ll find symptoms of the diseases, causes and prevention, as well some tips how they can be treated. 

Bacterial Infections

Bacterial infections are a common concern in backyard ponds and can cause great harm to fish if left untreated.

Symptoms and Identification

  • Cottonmouth, columnaris, Cotton Wool Disease: is a disease caused by Flavobacteria, that are present everywhere in freshwater. They may pose a threat when fish are stressed, injured and if there is too much biological material in the pond (to high fish density, too much faeces etc). One of the early signs are damaged fins – they may appear pale, split and even get shorter. It can also appear as whitish patches on the gills and skin. These patches may expand rapidly, and the fish’s skin or scales may appear damaged or frayed. It’s sometimes mistaken with fungal infections. You can read more about this disease in this article.
  • Ulcers: Bacterial ulcers manifest as open sores or wounds on the fish’s skin. These lesions can be accompanied by redness, inflammation, and loss of scales. Fish with ulcers may exhibit decreased activity and appetite.
  • Dropsy: Dropsy is a condition where the fish’s body swells, resulting in a bloated appearance. It is caused by Aeromonas bacteria, that are found in virtually any water body but can become problematic when fish’s immune system is weakened. The scales may also protrude, resembling a pinecone. Other symptoms include lethargy, loss of appetite, and rapid breathing. Sometimes, however, it may look like dropsy, however, a fish just has a “full belly”. When they eat too much at once, are faster than their colleagues, and steal their food, fish may appear swollen. This, however, disappears after a few hours, so don’t panic if you see your fish a bit “rounded” just after a good portion of food. 

Causes and Prevention

  • Poor water quality: Bacterial infections often thrive in ponds with suboptimal water conditions. High ammonia and nitrite levels, low oxygen levels, and improper pH balance create a favorable environment for bacteria. Regular water testing and maintenance are crucial to prevent bacterial infections.
  • Stress factors: Fish subjected to stress are more susceptible to bacterial infections. Stressors such as overcrowding (too many fish in a pond), poor nutrition, temperature fluctuations, or aggression between the fish can weaken their immune system, making them more vulnerable to bacterial pathogens.
  • Contaminated food or water sources: Introducing contaminated food or water into the pond can introduce bacteria. It is essential to ensure that fish are provided with quality, uncontaminated food and a clean water source. If you aren’t sure, it’s best to send a sample to your local lab or vet.

Treatment and Management

  • Isolate infected fish: It is important to quickly isolate infected fish to prevent the spread of bacteria to healthy individuals. Transfer the affected fish to a separate quarantine tank for closer observation and treatment.
  • Improve water quality: Enhancing the pond’s water quality is crucial for managing bacterial infections. Regular water changes, maintaining proper filtration systems, and optimizing oxygen levels will help create an unfavorable environment for bacteria.
    Don’t be surprised, because the water quality topic will continue through the article, because this is absolutely crucial to keep your fish healthy. 🙂
  • Administer appropriate antibiotics or treatments: Consult a veterinarian or aquatic specialist to identify the specific bacteria causing disease in your fish. They can recommend appropriate antibiotics or treatments like salt dips, to combat the bacterial infection effectively. Follow the prescribed dosage and duration carefully to ensure successful treatment and to avoid creating resistant bacteria strains.

Regular monitoring of water quality, reducing stress factors, and implementing appropriate treatment measures will go a long way in preventing and managing bacterial infections in backyard ponds.


Parasitic infections are caused by various parasites, be it endo- (inside) or ecto- (outside) parasites.

Symptoms and Identification

  • Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Ich): Ich, also known as white spot disease, is characterized by the presence of small white spots resembling grains of salt on the fish’s body, fins, and gills. Infected fish may exhibit “scratching” against objects in the pond, increased mucus production, and rapid breathing.
  • Flukes: Flukes are flatworm parasites that attach themselves to the fish’s skin, gills, or internal organs. They feed on skin cells and mucus. They are the fish equivalent of dog fleas. Symptoms of fluke infestation include excessive mucus production, flashing behavior (it’s when fish keeps flicking and scratching itself on the surfaces), fin deterioration, and respiratory distress.
  • Anchor Worms: Anchor worms are visible to the naked eye and appear as small, thread-like worms embedded in the fish’s skin (with an anchor-like hooks, thus the name). Infected fish may have inflamed spots, redness, and can be scratching against objects in an attempt to remove the parasites.

Causes and Prevention

  • Introduction of infected fish: Introducing infected fish into the pond can introduce parasites. It is crucial to acquire fish from reputable sources and ensure that they are free from parasites before introducing them to the pond.
  • Poor quarantine practices: Inadequate quarantine measures can result in the introduction of parasites to the pond. Quarantining new fish for a period of time allows for observation and treatment if necessary, reducing the risk of spreading parasites to the existing fish population.
  • Contaminated plants or water sources: Parasites can be introduced to the pond through contaminated plants or water sources. Thoroughly inspect and clean any plants before adding them to the pond, and use a reliable water source that is free from parasites (so e.g. not from a nearby .

Treatment and Management

  • Isolate infected fish: Isolating infected fish is essential to prevent the spread of parasites to healthy fish. Transfer the affected fish to a separate quarantine tank for treatment.
  • Administer appropriate anti-parasitic treatments: Consult with a veterinarian or aquatic specialist to identify the specific parasites and obtain suitable anti-parasitic treatments. Follow the recommended dosage and treatment duration to effectively eliminate the parasites.
  • Improve water quality and hygiene practices: Maintaining optimal water quality is crucial for managing parasitic infections. Regular water changes, adequate filtration, and proper pond hygiene will help to keep your fish healthy.

Fungal Infections

Symptoms and Identification

  • Saprolegnia: Saprolegnia is a group of water moulds causing fungal infection that appears as white or grayish hairy/ fuzzy growth on the fish’s body. It is somehow similar to the bacterial cotton- wool infection. Sometimes even algae start to grow on it, giving it a greenish color. Usually it feeds on dead organic matter, also fish wast It can, however, affect various parts of the living fish, including the fins, gills, and mouth.

Causes and Prevention

  • Poor water quality and high organic load: Fungal infections often arise in ponds with poor water quality, high levels of organic matter, and inadequate filtration. Excessive organic waste provides a favorable environment for fungal growth. Maintaining proper water parameters and regularly removing debris and excess organic matter can help prevent fungal infections.
  • Abrasions or injuries: Fish with open wounds or injuries are more susceptible to fungal infections. Damaged skin provides an entry point for fungal organisms. It’s also important not to damage the protective mucus layer of fish. E.g. during handling, be very gentle and make sure that your hands are wet. Preventing physical trauma to the fish and promptly treating any injuries can reduce the risk of fungal infections. Also if you e.g. notice your fish are fighting, it’s good to separate them before any infection occurs.
  • Weakened immune system: Fish with weakened immune systems, often caused by stress factors such as poor nutrition or adverse environmental conditions, are more susceptible to fungal infections. Maintaining optimal nutrition, providing a stress-free environment, and minimizing sudden environmental changes can help bolster the fish’s immune system.

Treatment and Management

  • Isolate infected fish: Isolating infected fish is essential to prevent the spread of fungal spores to healthy individuals. Transfer the affected fish to a separate quarantine tank for treatment while ensuring optimal water conditions in the isolation tank.
  • Improve water quality and reduce organic matter: Regular water changes, adequate filtration, and proper removal of excess organic matter will help fight the fungus.
  • Administer appropriate antifungal treatments: Consult with a veterinarian or aquatic specialist to identify the specific fungal organism and obtain suitable antifungal treatments. Follow the recommended dosage and treatment duration to effectively combat the fungal infection.

Viral Infections

Viral infections can have devastating effects on fish populations in backyard ponds. These infections, caused by specific viruses, can rapidly spread and pose significant challenges in terms of treatment and management. As an important note – antibiotics are not effective against viruses due to their specific nature.

Symptoms and Identification

  • Koi Herpesvirus (KHV): Koi Herpesvirus causes significant mortality in koi and common carp populations. Infected fish may exhibit symptoms such as lethargy, loss of appetite, skin lesions, gill necrosis, sunken eyes and erratic swimming patterns. The presence of white patches or necrotic tissue on the gills and body is a characteristic sign of KHV. Often also secondary bacterial or fungal infections can appear.  It is a notifiable disease under WOAH.
  • Spring Viremia of Carp (SVC): it’s another one of viral fish diseases affecting various carp species. Infected fish may display symptoms such as lethargy, darkening of the skin, hemorrhages, swollen eyes, and abnormal swimming behavior. Internal symptoms can include swollen kidneys, liver, and spleen. This disease is also a notifiable disease under WOAH.

Causes and Prevention

  • Introduction of infected fish or contaminated water: Viral infections can be introduced to backyard ponds through the introduction of fish carrying the diseases or contaminated water sources. It is crucial to source fish from reputable suppliers and pet stores with strict biosecurity measures and avoid introducing water from unknown or potentially contaminated sources.
  • Stress factors: Stress can weaken the immune system of fish, making them more susceptible to viral (and actually any) infections. Stressful conditions such as poor water quality, overcrowding, temperature fluctuations, and inadequate nutrition should be minimized to reduce the risk of viral infections.
  • Lack of biosecurity measures: Insufficient biosecurity practices can contribute to the spread of viral infections. Pond owners should implement strict biosecurity measures, including quarantine for new fish, disinfection of equipment and tools, and limiting access to the pond to prevent potential contamination.

Treatment and Management

  • No known cure for viral infections: Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for viral infections in fish. Once a viral infection is detected, it is challenging to eradicate the virus from the affected fish or the pond. Therefore, prevention and management strategies are crucial.
  • Implement strict biosecurity measures: Maintaining strict biosecurity measures is paramount to prevent the introduction and spread of viral infections (this applies, however, to all fish diseases). Quarantine new fish for an appropriate duration, disinfect equipment, and limit exposure to potentially contaminated water sources.
  • Euthanasia of infected fish to prevent spread: In cases where viral infections are confirmed, euthanasia of infected fish is often recommended to prevent the spread of the virus to healthy individuals. This difficult decision helps to minimize the risk of a viral outbreak and protect the overall fish population.

Environmental Fish “Diseases”

Environmental “diseases”, aren’t actual fish diseases. The are conditions often caused by imbalances or stressors in the pond environment. If persistent, they can lead to further infections, like bacterial or fungal.

Oxygen Depletion

Insufficient oxygen levels can have severe consequences for fish health. Oxygen depletion often occurs due to excessive plant growth, poor aeration, or high stocking densities. Fish may start gasping at the water surface, lethargy, or clustering near aeration devices. If low oxygen levels remain, you can expect to see your fish suffocating and dying.

Ammonia and Nitrite Toxicity

Ammonia toxicity is a common concern in backyard ponds, particularly in systems with inadequate filtration or excessive fish waste but also in new, uncycled systems, that nitrifying bacteria didn’t colonize yet. In this article you can read more about that. Elevated ammonia levels can cause stress, gill damage, and even fatalities. Symptoms include increased respiration rates, red or inflamed gills, and fish exhibiting unusual behavior.
Nitrite on the other hand, changes the oxygen-carrying haemoglobin into methaemoglobin that doesn’t carry oxygen, resulting in fish suffocating even though good oxygen levels are maintained. Symptoms are similar to oxygen depletion – fish will be gasping for air on the surface. Fish will be lethargic and their gills may turn darker.

Temperature Stress

Fluctuations in water temperature can significantly impact fish health. Rapid temperature changes, extreme heat, or cold snaps can stress fish and compromise their immune system. Symptoms may vary but can include lethargy, loss of appetite, increased susceptibility of fish to actual diseases, and abnormal swimming behavior.

Prevention and Maintenance Tips

Prevention and regular maintenance are key to minimizing the risk of environmental “diseases” in backyard ponds. Here are some important tips to consider:

Regular water quality testing and monitoring

Regularly test water parameters such as pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and dissolved oxygen levels. Monitoring these parameters allows for early detection of potential issues and enables appropriate corrective measures. Below you can find some tests from Sera. I use them myself, together with JBL (not the electronics company 🙂 ). They are simple and pretty accurate also when comparing with other methods.

If you want something more fancy for measuring oxygen, have a look at this oxygen meter.

The links above are Amazon affiliate links, which means I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through them. 🙂

Proper pond maintenance and cleaning

Maintain a clean and well-maintained pond environment. Regularly remove debris, excess plant matter, and sludge to prevent the accumulation of organic waste. Ensure proper filtration and aeration systems are in place to maintain optimal water quality.

Quarantine protocols for new fish introductions

Implement a strict quarantine protocol for any new fish introductions to prevent the introduction of diseases into the pond. Quarantine new fish in a separate tank or pond for a designated period, closely monitoring their health before introducing them to the main pond.

Throughout this article I’ve mentioned it many times but keeping the fish’s environment under control can be by itself the best prevention for their diseases. 

By understanding the common fish diseases, their symptoms, prevention, and treatment methods discussed in this article, you can take necessary steps to maintain a healthy aquatic environment. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that professional help should be sought when needed. Consulting with experienced aquatic specialists or vets can provide good guidance, ensuring the well-being of your aquatic pets. Prioritizing fish health leads to thriving ponds!

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